See the results of all the workshops at NUK - Ny ung kunst!
On Thursday 29 June, the last day of NUK week, we invite the public to watch, listen to and celebrate with the participants what they have been up to this week. Everything you see was created during five intense days and reflects what the participants have experienced during NUK.
About tickets: The screenings for DANCE and MUSIC are ticketed events. Remaining NUK screenings are non-ticketed.
You can reserve/buy tickets on our website.
PHOTO OG FILM has an exhibition in Havnegata 1 from 11.00-14.00.
DANS has a workshop screening at UiT, attendance at the main entrance from 15.00-16.00
MUSIKK has a concert in Nordic Hall from 18.00-19.00
DRAMA OG PERFORMANCE has many small screenings around Harstad throughout the week, with a final feature during the music concert in Nordic Hall. Sign up on our websites to get updates on when and where the other pop-up shows are happening.