Reconstruction of an afternoon in a state of emergency
The seconds, minutes and hours it took a man to blow up a norwegian government building and then proceed to kill young, social-democratic politicians attending a summer camp.
How does the outside world react – not after – but during such a state (of emergency), where everything is uncertain and where speculations wander off in all directions?
The theatre performance 03:08:38 States of Emergency is a reconstruction of the afternoon 22 July 2011. It shows, minute by minute, what happened during that afternoon of the terrorist attacks in Oslo and on Utøya and it incorporates authentic radio broadcasts and recordings from both Norway and abroad.
This way, the story is recreated in scary real time. During the performance, designers, film makers and musicians are working on stage and by using a small cardboard model car, drawings and an alarming ticking sound as part of the soundscape, they trigger the imagination of the audience.
Produced in cooperation with
Det Vestnorske Teateret, Wrap Arts Centre, Dramatikkens hus, Festspillene i Nord-Norge, Teaterfestivalen i Fjaler, Institutt for medievitenskap, Forskergruppen CTRLnet (NTNU), W. Goethe Universitet, (Frankfurt a.Main) and Vega Scene.