Program 2024 - Festspillene i Nord-Norge
Tuesday June 25 @ 11:00 AMTorvetWhat does the world look like when we are standing upside down?
In a Strange Place 8 performances / June 22 – 29Trondenes Historiske SenterMulti-channel video installation
HIGH NOON 4 performances / June 24 – 27PRANDIUM, UiT Norges arktiske universitet, HarstadArne O. Holm med gjester tar for seg ulike tema knyttet til livet i nord.
Festival exhibition 8 performances / June 22 – 29Galleri Nord-NorgeGNISTSAMBANDET - OPPTAKT
Living with the Ocean 6 performances / June 24 – 29Exhibition
The Festival Parade featuring the Norwegian Army Band 2 performances / June 24 – 25Generalhagen
Long table 5 performances / June 24 – 28SentralenA unique approach to discussion and dialogue.
Tuesday June 25 @ 1:00 PMUIT Norges arktiske universitet, HarstadWORKSHOP FOR YOUTH
Tuesday June 25 @ 11:00 AMTorvetWhat does the world look like when we are standing upside down?
Radio Harstad - liveshow 8 performances / June 22 – 29SentralenThe show goes live in Sentralen, open to everyone.
Open schooner with Anna Rogde 5 performances / June 23 – 27Havnepromenadenthe world's oldest sailing schooner
Tuesday June 25 @ 3:00 PMQuality Hotel HarstadThe Pursuit of Happiness: From Personal Journeys to Shared Destinies.
Sonia Hughes is starting a musical art project and is looking for women who can contribute thoughts, insights, and reflections.Tuesday June 25 @ 3:00 PMFritidssenteretWorkshop for women
A documentary about a creative and supportive community celebrating the right to be oneself.Tuesday June 25 @ 5:00 PMHarstad kinoFreedom, community, furry: Find your pack!
Tuesday June 25 @ 5:00 PMHarstad BibliotekMøt forfatteren bak «Den avstengte øya»
Tuesday June 25 @ 3:00 PMQuality Hotel HarstadThe Pursuit of Happiness: From Personal Journeys to Shared Destinies.
Tuesday June 25 @ 6:00 PMStorsalen, Harstad Kulturhus
Torvald (NO) 2 performances / June 24 – 25SoldathjemmetEn maskulin mancave-monolog fra en middelaldrende mann i midtlivskrise,
Tuesday June 25 @ 7:30 PMNordic HallA deep dive into the music's and the soul's dark sides.
Tuesday June 25 @ 9:00 PMLillesalen, Harstad KulturhusWhere techology dances with man
Tuesday June 25 @ 10:00 PMNordic Hall
Tuesday June 25 @ 10:00 PMSentralenFestspillklubb